Friday, April 28, 2006
On gas stations...

It seems unavoidable on roadtrips to shoot gas stations. Not very interesting you say? Not so! We have seen some very nice (and very scary) ones, and I can barely keep myself from shooting a picture of the price boards here. The frustrated autodependent californian will scream in agony when he hears that prices here are at 2.79 for regular! ...
Day 4 - Colorado: ...where clouds that look like mountains are next to mountains anyway...

From the garden of the gods to the rocky mountains we saw quite a lot of rocks today, and even broke our strict no-hiking-rule to see a beautiful view of that place they say is fit for the gods. We are staying at a house of one of Mimi's friends today, he took us on a tour around the rocky mountains and showed us beautiful lakes and lots of elk!
Unfortunately, my camera decided to die just as we entered the park, so Mimi had to be both our eyes. Go to her blog for more images...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
From across the room...

In case you were wondering, yes, Mimi, my amazingly talented photographer friend who I happen to be on this journey with is taking some pictures too :) And you should look at what she uploads onto her blog sitting across from me while Im working on this little page...
Day 3 - Tigers and Printing Presses

So, I learned today that Santa Fe has a printing press in the palace of the governor, and that once they know you like printmaking, you will be sent on a treasure hunt through the whole city and in the course of it meet a tone of very nice people and see galleries and presses and prints... what can i say, I was in heaven :) In case anyone decides to go to Santa Fe in August, Barry Moser will be there!
I see tigers everywhere these days, I guess Richard Parker is staying with me no matter what... Oh, and Miwako, I put a balcony picture in just for you :)
Day 2 - AAA Gems

Lots of road. And more road. Paper mache dinosaurs. Crystal trees. Striped mountains. Sounds like a fairy tale...
Well, we decided pretty quickly that we love AAA and are only going to give sights the time of the day that have earned the AAA GEM. Oh, and make that sights you dont have to hike to... :)