Saturday, May 06, 2006

cheap advice...

I had to ask for professional advice for my interviews in New York, didnt I? :)

Day 13 - A lesson in equality

I swear this world would be a better place if everybody had to walk around in blue gift wrap all day long. How can you fight wars when everybody's outfit (including your own) puts a permanent grin on your face?

...losing my direction...

Two weeks driving from hotel to hotel make a girl dizzy... they look all the same to me, maybe the bed covers have different 80s patterns on them... Mimi frequently has to pull me away from the wrong doors...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Day 12 - ...

...I know that you'll hate me if I tell you that a photo just doesnt do it justice... but I really have nothin else to say... for now :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The only beach they have here...

Oh, and guess who else I found again...

Day 11 - Orchids and Butterflies...

Wow, nothing is more scary than the slowmotion of a huge butterfly circling around you. They are so fragile that you are afraid of them touching you...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Day 10 - Back on the road...

So... where exactly is the bible belt? Can someone explain that to me? Because there seem to be scary threatening signs everywhere...

Oh, and here's a German lesson, since I dont know the English word for that yellow stuff we drove by. In German it's called "Raps", and bees make the best honey from it... yum :)


Invisible during the day ( we tried for hours to find superman again during the day)... when those signs lit up at night it looked like we were in a different place...

Water and Beans

Oooooh, Daph, you would LOVE the waterfront. it was so beautiful, especially at sunset...

And then Mimi tried the swing carousel for the first time! I love those, so much fun :)

Day 9 - Chicago my love

I know I know i might be so smitten with this city because its the first I laid my eyes on after days of farmland and McDonalds, but I really love it! A 10$ elevator ride got us this beautiful view...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Day 8 - Towards the Windy City... air, cars, smog, people screaming on the streets... civilization :) Chicago is beautiful, and being in a city again such a relief!

It's a bugpony!...or pony bug? Hm....

Honoring Kristin's very impressive My little Pony collection. Many thanks for having us, and for the gateway pony :)

Day 7 - Iowa City: Races

Now, I like this place! Bike races and Lilac , lots of crazy clouds and rain... it's just like home :)

Day 6 - Iowa: Learning to read...

We learned today that sometimes its a good idea to read the graffiti on the wall BEFORE you take a picture of the "cool-looking abandoned gas station"... between that an Elvis walking past us at the other gas station ( i apologize for the blurriness of the picutre, Elvis was walking pretty fast) we were very happy to arrive at the house of one of Mimi's friends... somebody who knew how this state works! :)